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Will have to disappoint those who strive for a complete lack of stress in their


lives. In fact, stress is not always bad. Learning to turn him out of interference into an ally.

Stress is not always and not in all options is an obstacle to us, explains the psychologist, the PCC ICF coach (certified coaching coaching federation) Anton Zemlyanoye . Question in the amount and duration of stress and his perception by a person.

According to the works of psychologist Richard Lazarus (1974), stress can be divided into two categories: negative (in English – Distress) and positive. Negative options include chronic stress in which we have been in months and even for years, and stress, which we perceive as harmful or menacing.

In contrast to chronic stress, its short -term option helps us to hand over the project in time, score a goal against another team and defend our position in negotiations. In addition, it allows us to engage in new and fascinating affairs 1 . Without hormones of stress, we cannot focus on something and make decisions, since then our body directs its resources to digest food and restore the body.

Our effectiveness depends on the ability to respond to stress and even recognize when it is not enough

But, perhaps, the word “stress” has become so undesirable that the idea itself is that stress is not always bad, it may be difficult to accept. In this case, it is better to use the terms that in society cause more positive emotions: concentration, determination, involvement. All this is the results of the reaction to stressful situations for the body.

Determine the level of stress

High stress

Excessive or prolonged stress can lead to reduced functioning and worst results. When there is too much new, incomprehensible and unpredictable, the level of stress becomes excessive and causes us a sense of danger. As a result, energy begins to be distributed to the concern for this unknown – instead of concentration and focusing on its work.

So, if the financier feels good in a certain uncertainty and excitement in investment decisions (the level of transferred risk depends on the profile of the financier), then if you add to this formula the arrival of an unpredictable manager or restrictions related to Covid, his anxiety will already shift from the optimal levelto the excessive, and its effectiveness will decline.

Low stress

Insufficient stress leads to boredom, since the body does not have to be included in the nuances of the current case. Remember yourself how once a new project or a relationship encouraged you to worry about them in the most pleasant sense of the word. You paid attention to every detail, everything seemed interesting. Over time, having orientated, for example, your position, your brain begins to send fewer signals to read new introductory and directs energy to supporting life functions (the work of the parasympathetic system 2).

It seems that you can finally relax! However, the danger is that you lose interest in the project, position, relationships, and your involvement and, accordingly, effectiveness, are reduced, affecting the quality.

Too little stress = little results. Too much stress = few results

Task: to find your optimal range of stress, involvement, importance and constantly track it. The optimal range is affected by the number of projects and decisions that you have to make, the novelty of the zone in which you operate (for example, you have raised or you have a new client), economic and political situations and the number of alcohol drunk on the eve of.

In addition to the fact that each person is able to cope with different stress 3 levels, each of us in different periods of life when interacting with different people can shift this optimal level.

That is why it is important to track our reactions and understand where we are on this curve

If we understand, for example, by tension in the shoulders or random bursts of emotions to our colleagues (true signs of excessive stress) that we are too tense or alarmed, it is better to go for a walk or switch to something else to reduce the level of anxiety and make a decision fromless emotionally colored state.

Stress can also be felt as weakly smoldering coals – inconspicuous from afar, but leading to consequences such as burnout. It comes when we have already spent too much time on the right side of this curve. In this case, for returning to a productive zone, more work may be needed. It is easier and better to return yourself to the optimal or, if necessary, to the pre -optimal zone, when the signs of our exit from it make themselves felt.

How to recognize that you go beyond the limits of the optimal zone?

Stress is not enough (left side): low involvement, the feeling that you all know, boredom.

Excessive level of stress (right side): indifference, the desire to completely disconnect, forget in the series, walk, toxic communication with colleagues, accusing others in their ailments, unpleasant tension in the muscles, procrastination.

Optimal zone (middle): involvement, gambling experience, upholding of views, pleasant fatigue after the work done, a little fear that charges you more than that gets out of itself.

How to return involvement in work if you are on the left side of the scale?

You can choose a new option for approach to the same task. If your task is to sell, and you are good, but you are bored, try to reduce the allocated time for the call, thereby complicating the task, or take yourself a more complicated client. If you lead the sales department, set the goals interesting for yourself and for colleagues (for example, direct your resources to the client, which will embellish your portfolio of orders).

How to return to the optimal zone when the overkill of stress?

Of course, everyone can have their own combination of reasons, but the general recommendations are as follows: first, understand what exactly causes you stress. Next, you can simplify the task, delegate, ask for help, do more than what you already know how, and less than you do not know. If we talk about stress in working relationships, you can return to the values that are important to both of you, speak not only on disturbing topics, but to alternate them with conversations about what you already succeed and what you want to strive for the whole team.

And if you are a leader, it is important to understand that each employee has this optimal zone its own. Try not to bring yourself or your team members to burn out and do not stay too long in the zone “We all know for a long time”.

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